Unidade 3


  1. Why is the study of form in music necessary to understand the structure? Why is something aural more difficult to understand and comprehend on a formal level than something visual?

  2. How are the elements of unity and variety used in media other than music? What is their effect?

  3. Explain a sectional form. Explain a metamorphic form.

  4. Why is a large percentage of popular music in sectional form?

  5. Name and describe the three main sections of the sonata-form and discuss how each contributes to the drama of the form. How do other dramatic mediums take similar paths in getting their message across?

  6. Discuss the four parts of the sonata cycle. Include the usual tempo of each and common forms found in each movement.

  7. Define "absolute music". Define "program music."

  8. Do some research into the lives of MARTIN LUTHER, THOMAS AQUINAS, WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, LEONARDO DA VINCI. How are they typical of the trends of thought, intellect, and spirit of the Renaissance?

  9. Do some research into the lives of RENE DESCARTES, BLAISE PASCAL, MOLIERE, REMBRANDT HARMENSOON VAN RIJN. How are they typical of the trends of thought, intellect, and spirit of the Baroque period?

  10. Do some research into the lives of J. W. VON GOETHE, FRANCOIS VOLTAIRE, THOMAS JEFFERSON, FRANSCISCO GOYA. How are they typical of the Classical era?

  11. Do some research into the lives of KARL MARX, LOUIS PASTEUR, FREDERICH NIETZSCHE, THOMAS EDISON. How do these men, their works and discoveries represent the trends of the Romantic Era?

  12. List some of the evidence that shows the shrinking influence of the church and religion in modern thought. (modern thought = from Renaissance on).

  13. Imagine life before and after the following inventions; moveable type; the telegraph; photography; recorded sound; the telephone; television; the computer. How would each of these inventions change your perspective on the world around you? How would they change art and music in your life? How would they affect your perception of people and cultures in distant lands?

  14. Music plays an important role in our lives (entertainment, diversion, therapy, etc). What role did it have in the life of the pre-recording era man/woman?

  15. Even if you are not familiar with their styles, you would probably expect music of the Baroque era to be different from the Classical era, and so on. Give some reasons for the change.

  16. Choose a modern piece of music, popular or otherwise. How does it reflect the elements and influences surrounding its composition? What are some of those elements?