Unidade 1


  1. Quais são os elementos do som musical? Defina cada um em detalhe.

  2. Qual o propósito da notação musical?

  3. Why might musical notation be becoming less necessary in the 20th century?

  4. What are the seven musical parameters that a notational system must cover?

  5. What is a dissonant harmony? Is it necessarily wrong or bad?

  6. What is noise? What is WHITE NOISE? Why is music the opposite of noise?

  7. How would music with rhythmic units based on powers of two be suited to us? Why would dance music or a march depend on it so much?

  8. How does the form of a musical composition give the listener a sense of drama or expectation?

  9. The dynamic and tempo markings of music are usually in which language? Why?

  10. Give at least two reasons why rests (silence) are necessary in written notation.

  11. "Music should always be written to fit the notation. If it can't be written down, it shouldn't be done." Support or refute this statement.

  12. Many musical terms are traditionally written in Italian. Why?

  13. How and why did the musical instrument called the "piano" get its name? Name and briefly describe the instrument it replaced.

  14. What are the functions of a "tie"?

  15. How does the modern rhythmic notational system handle patterns of three? Five? Seven?

  16. What are some of the causes behind the evolution of the modern musical notational system?